4 Everyday Tips for Better Eye Health
Millions of individuals experience eye complications each year.
Some eye problems result in permanent vision loss or blindness, while others can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
Studies show that approximately 12 million people aged 40 years and above have vision impairment in the US alone, with about a million suffering from blindness. And the National Eye Institute estimates the number of people with vision impairment will double by 2050.
Many of us are resigned to the fact that our eyesight will deteriorate as we age.
While this is true, there are many other reasons your sight could deteriorate, including stress, pollution, smoking, an unhealthy diet, etc.
The good news; you can improve your eye health and prevent them from deteriorating by adopting a few measures. In this article, we’ll look at some handy tips for better eye health and highlight the activities that put your eyes at risk.
Why Daily Eye Care Is Important
Your eyesight is one of the most important senses.
Research estimates that around 80% of our perception, learning, cognition, and activities are mediated through vision.
By exercising daily eye care, you’ll significantly reduce the odds of blindness and vision loss while staying on top of any developing eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.
Plus, healthy brain function needs healthy eyesight.
The brain is the most vital organ of the body. It controls all the other functions of the body, interprets information from the other organs, and embodies the essence of body and soul.
Considering that the optic nerve connects the eye to the brain, a healthy co-dependent relationship is necessary. By keeping your eyes healthy and following these tips for better eye health, you keep your brain healthy—improving the overall quality of life.
Problems Eyes Can Face Everyday
Ever wondered what causes vision problems? Or what are some of the daily activities that could put you at risk? Many of us practice these painful behaviors daily that could lead to severe eye conditions in the long term.
How many of these have you done today?
Not Wearing Sunglasses
Before stepping out into the sun, you should always wear a pair of sunglasses. Failure to do so exposes your eyes to dangerous ultraviolet radiation (UV). In the long term, damage from UV rays can lead to serious eye conditions like pterygium and cataracts.
Wearing Contact Lenses Wrong
The American Optometric Association (AOA) found that a whopping 90% of contact wearers don’t follow proper contact hygiene instructions, which poses serious risks to their eyes’ health and vision.
Many common care mistakes include sleeping while wearing contacts and not cleaning and storing lenses as instructed by the eye doctor.
Rubbing Your Eyes
How many times a day do you rub your eyes?
Some people rub their eyes too many times a day, which puts them at risk. Rubbing your eyes can lead to scratched corneas, which can cause eye diseases and vision problems.
Too Much Screen Time
Too much screen time is not good for your eyes. According to AOA, the average American spends 7 hours a day on their devices. The same study also reveals that 58% of Americans have developed digital eye strain as a result.
Smoking is often associated with lung diseases and cancer. However, what many people don’t know is that smoking can also lead to vision loss.
According to CDC, two of the greatest threats for smokers are cataracts and macular degeneration. Cataracts cause blurry vision that worsens with time, while macular degeneration affects central vision.

Tips for Better Eye Health
Let’s get to the four daily tips to help you improve your eye health.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is good for your eye health as it helps to counter dryness.
So, how does dehydration affect the eyes?
Your eyes rely on water to help keep them lubricated in the form of tears. Lubrication is necessary to keep the eyes moist, remove bacteria, dirt, and other particles that get in the eye.
When your body is dehydrated, there will be not enough water to keep the eyes moist, and they’ll eventually dry out.
Dry eyes can become itchy and scratchy. You might feel a burning sensation that will cause you to rub your eyes frequently, which, as we mentioned earlier, can result in blurred vision and temporary vision loss.
Shift Focus Regularly
Once every 30 minutes, look away from the screen and focus your eyes on distant objects for about 30 seconds. Then open them and blink rapidly. Doing so will coat your eyes with a layer of moisture.
Focusing your eyes on the screen for a long time without shifting your focus may result in computer vision syndrome. It causes eye strain, discomfort, and blurry vision.
A simple rule of thumb is to follow the 20-20-20 rule. According to the rule, for every 20 minutes you spend looking at the device screen, you should focus your eyes on something else at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
Adjust the Lighting
Ensure the lights in your office or home (if working remotely) are not too harsh.
Turn a few off if need be. Avoid sitting with your back facing an open window because your computer screen will reflect the light coming in through the window. You can also adjust the brightness of your computer to complement the room’s lighting.
When it comes to lighting, the most important things are ensuring sufficient light and reducing glare. The light around the monitor in your workspace should be of equal brightness to the monitor itself.
If your workspace lighting is brighter or dimmer than your computer screen, you may experience “discomfort glare.”
Reduce Blue Light Exposure
Blue light from screens can also damage your eyes.
Digital screens produce blue light—harmful light wavelengths that penetrate deep within your eyes and can cause permanent eye damage.
We recommend wearing blue light filtering lenses or downloading blue light filters for your devices to reduce blue light wavelengths. Some anti-glare screens can also do the trick.
Get the Care for Your Eyes That They Deserve
Small daily choices can have a cumulative impact on your vision.
Stay hydrated, shift your focus regularly, adjust your office lighting, protect your eyes from blue light, and visit an eye professional for vision care annually, and you’ll enjoy a clear vision your whole life long.
If your eyes are bothering you, you do not have to live with these problems any longer. Contact us today and we will help make sure your eyes are cared for correctly!