Eye Conditions & Diseases

Your eyes should last your entire life. So if something is affecting the clarity or range of your vision, or otherwise causing pain or discomfort, it’s important to address it right away. The long-term health of your sight may depend on it!

Mattawan Family Eye Care is experienced in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions and diseases that can affect the eyes. You can learn more about many of them here, but always call us sooner rather than later if anything is affecting your eyes in a negative way.

(NOTE: For descriptions of more generalized conditions that affect vision, such as nearsightedness and farsightedness, please check out our Vision Problems page.)

Conditions We Treat

Amblyopia – Lazy Eye

“Lazy eye” is reduced vision in one eye, or the lack of its development, which is often associated with an eye that appears to “wander” inward or outward. However, it can also be due to a large difference the prescription between the two eyes. It typically stems from an inherited condition and is often diagnosed in early childhood.

Amblyopia is sometimes difficult to recognize because the signs and symptoms aren’t always obviously apparent to either kids or their parents. This is why it is highly recommended that all children, regardless of showing symptoms of eye trouble or not, receive a comprehensive eye examination by the age of three.


Blepharitis – Inflamed Eyelid and Eyelashes

This is a common condition that typically results from poor hygiene around the eyelid, an allergic reaction, a bacterial infection, or problems with surrounding oil glands. Managing this condition often means taking steps to reduce bacterial numbers along the eyelids and/or opening blocked oil glands.

Cataracts – Clouded Vision

Cataracts are the world’s leading cause of blindness. This clouding of the eye’s naturally clear lens is closely linked with natural aging, and it actually begins around the age of 40. Patients at age 65 have about a 50 percent chance of developing a visually significant cataract, and patients over 75 have about a 70 percent chance.

A cataract initially starts out small and inconsequential, but can progressively grow. Blurring or dimming of vision will increase, making it more and more difficult to perform daily tasks. Glare or halos around lights at night are a very common symptom of cataracts, even before blurred vision.

While conservative measures can be taken to reduce the impact of cataracts in earlier stages, surgery is often recommended when the condition becomes more severe. Cataract removal surgery has a very high success rate, and is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States.

Learn more about cataracts from our partners, Specialty Eye Institute.


Computer Vision Syndrome

The common demands of many jobs can strain your eyes, especially if they involve long-term staring at a monitor or screen.

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome include blurry vision, watery eyes, and headache, in addition to stiffness or pain in the neck and shoulders. Improper posture, poorly corrected vision, and problems with eye muscle coordination can exacerbate this problem.

In some cases, corrective lenses especially designed for the common distance between your eyes on a computer monitor will be recommended. They can provide a larger intermediate area for viewing at “computer distance” that is less straining on the eyes. Lens treatments that help block the high energy blue light that is emitted from our flat screens is also important in relieving the symptoms from computer vision syndrome.

Conjunctivitis – Pink Eye

“Pink eye” is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a thin membrane that protects the surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Bacterial and viral infections, allergies, and other irritants can lead to this inflammation, which is typically accompanied by redness, increased tearing, and sometimes discharge.

When caused by an infection, conjunctivitis can be highly contagious. While most cases tend to improve within 14 days, some can become more severe and even threatening to one’s vision. Call us anytime you suspect pink eye.

Diabetic Eye Disease

The effects of type 1 or type 2 diabetes can contribute to multiple eye problems, including diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma and even dry eye syndrome.

Proactive examination and preventative care can help prevent many diabetic eye complications from having permanent effects. It is best not to wait for any symptoms to begin to develop before starting to receive check-ups; start now before any problems start.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Persistent dry eyes are very common, and are caused by a degradation in the quality or production of natural tears. Not having enough quality tear production can mean the steady layer of moisture around the eyes is not substantial enough to protect against dust and other microscopic matter. A burning sensation and sensitivity often occurs as a result.

There are several causes of dry eye, and many treatments based on those causes. We can help you get to the source of your eye discomfort, and provide appropriate treatment should something be affecting your natural tear production.

Learn more about iLux treatment to treat dry eyes.

Glaucoma – Optic Nerve Damage

Over a long period of time, the pressure within the eyes can increase, causing damage to the optic nerve. At first, this may cause no symptoms. Left untreated, however, it can eventually reduce peripheral vision and lead to total blindness.

When detected early, medications and surgery can help prevent further progression of this disease and prolong healthy vision.

Learn more about glaucoma testing using the iCare tonometer.


Macular Degeneration – Loss of Central Vision

Macular degeneration is the gradual deterioration of the macula, a tiny area in the central portion of the retina filled with cells that sense light. As the degeneration progresses, your center of vision worsens. Since this condition is often associated with aging (but does not always need to be), it is sometimes referred to as “age-related macular degeneration.”

Reversing the damage of macular degeneration is often not possible, but measures can be taken to reduce a patient’s risk of developing the condition or slow its progression should it have already started. Lenses treated with BlueLight technology to reduce UV exposure, as well as dietary and lifestyle choices, can be effective steps.

AREDS2 formula supplementation is very important to slow the progression of changes in the macula, and is recommended for prevention, as well as slowing the disease that already exists.

Learn more about macular degeneration from our partners, Specialty Eye Institute.

Strabismus – Crossed Eyes

A misalignment in the eyes, medically known as strabismus, can lead to one or both eyes shifting in a certain direction, or one or both eyes otherwise moving irregularly.

About 4 percent of children are diagnosed with strabismus, with a diagnosis made in early childhood. Early intervention can help prevent many of the condition’s complications, so please never hesitate to call us if you see any signs of irregular eye movement in your child – even if you only see them temporarily or inconsistently.

Help Through Any Circumstance

Whether we can help you directly with your vision needs (as we often can!) or you need a referral to another specialist, we will be with you every step of the way to ensure you get the best care you and your family need.

Call our office at (269) 668-5558 to schedule an appointment with us. If you prefer to reach us electronically, simply fill out our online contact form and a member of our staff will reach out to you during our standard office hours.

Get In Touch

Open Hours

  • Monday 12:30pm – 6pm
  • Tuesday 9am – 5pm*
  • Wednesday 9am – 5pm*
  • Thursday 9am – 5pm*
  • Friday 9am – 4pm*

*Closed for lunch 11:30 – 12:30 Tuesday thru Friday*
Closed Weekends and Holidays


52883 N. Main Street
MattawanMI 49071


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